A chord keyboard uses combinations of keys, like chords on a piano. You have fewer keys so you can type with one hand. I'm not 100% serious about it, learning curve would be horrendous. But it would be interesting to try. I used blackberry for a long time and I hate screen keyboards.
And yes, looks like I found one while looking for examples :) It's $175 on ebay, bit expensive.
Yeah, that's a lot of work with tools I have no idea with. Definitely a fun project but I don't have the time.
Here's what I want: tiny, one handed bluetooth chord keyboard.
For typing on my phone. Can someone make one?
There are only two reasons to use something other than xscreensaver:
- You need other input methods
- You don't care about security
Sad reality is that:
- no matter how much informed people hate her, the base is still going vote for her because of name recognition and party support
- they don't care were the country is heading. they will still get their checks from donors, they will still make money on insider trading
- all the terrible things Trump does just means more campaign contributions for the Dems, for all they care Trump winning was good for business
- Bernie tried to take over the party and it failed, people can try again but it will be extremely difficult to do
Wake me up when you find something people will not abuse and get addicted to.
Both Waltz and Goldberg work for FDD. My theory: Waltz is paid by FDD, wanted to do them a favor and keep them in the loop on Houti attacks so he adds their Iran expert to the chat. Well, tried to add...
https://www.fdd.org/team/richard-goldberg/ https://en.everybodywiki.com/Richard_Goldberg_(Illinois)
Richard Goldberg: aide to US National Security Advisor in previous Trump administration, expert on Iran, wrote press release announcing Waltz's nomination.
Both Goldberg and Waltz work at FDD: https://www.fdd.org/team/michael-g-waltz/
Clearly Waltz was trying to add him to the chat instead of Jeffrey Goldberg, right?
Showing ID when you vote is an requirement in every European country since forever. There's no slippery slope here. Ability to identify yourself is a pretty basic thing in a civilized country. Where I live proof of residence allows you to vote in local elections. National elections require citizenship. National ID proves you're a citizen. It's really simple.
I was still lurking there but not so long ago it just died. The subs I was looking at stopped updating. There was no point going back.