If someone inadvertently did this because they recently started transcoding their media library (...that would be me...), and didn't think about the seeding torrents, can you do anything to mitigate such bans?
I'm not very competent with docker, so honestly I think the error is more on my end than theirs. I bet there is some setting I have set incorrectly and I'm just missing it.
Yes, that was were I started...when that didn't work I asked here
no my subscription is fine, and working on other devices without issues, firewall and internet connection should also be fine. I'll try adding more countries to the compose file and see if that helps.
Huh...i don't have a lot seeding, but I do have one big one that's seeding at a high rate, and it started seeding recently.
Docker using gluetun.
I haven't set it to use 7878, it should be using the default.
i get this error
it works perfectly fine with the same user and setup as long as i'm not putting it beheind my VPN. I have no other instances of sonarr running.
I thought so, but I get an error that the port is already used when in try to start sonarr after radarr. I'm only trying to reach them from my local network.
I'm having some difficulties getting both sonarr and radarr working simultaneously behind my VPN because they default to the same port. I'm not very well versed in docker, so I don't know how to fix the port issue behind the VPN, but I can fix it if they're just separate from the VPN.
seems the link is broken
It really makes it feel like we're all just wasting time here on a futile effort trying to get digital privacy. Clearly the steps I've taken make absolutely no fucking difference, so it's not really worth the hassle TBH.
Yes that's what I'm supposed to do from now on...I'm asking what I can do so I'm "un"-blacklisted/banned, if that has happened because of my previous mistake.