
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Sorry, as the comment bellow said I am in the UK. Thanks for the offer though.


I have started to acquire parts for my home lab and would like it to be rack mounted. I would like it to have a 6U rack, 19", and it to be black. Not only that, but I would lie to spend a maximum of £60. If anyone has any good recommendations, I would love to hear them.


I am experimenting with opnsense and would like to know if I used a 2012 Mac mini as a router with opnsense. I could use the built in Ethernet port to connect to my modem and a usb to Ethernet adapter to connect it to a network switch for which I would connect all my devices too. Please tell me if I have gotten anything wrong, or if there is anyway to get this to work.



Hi, I am using a BT Hub 2 as a main router. I would like to know if I can possibly plug a opnsense router into one of the Ethernet ports on the BT Hub and get it working like that without putting the BT Hub into bridge mode? I am from the UK if that helps.