This whole thread was ducking scary LMAO
Although I do respect the problem, and I accept there will always be a loose cog somewhere that could be exploited or abused, the fear o if is really sociaty/country based.
If you live in a "decent-wish" country with a strong set of laws, and those laws put you under the microscope or you have something g to hide, I've come to the personal realization that it's not really as much of a problem as some make it out to be.
Not like everyone was shouting to the airwaves this was going to happen.
I don't care if he's brown, black, Chinese or wherever from. If someone deserves it, it's people like him.
What is this L take my guy?
Elon was loved by every forward facing democratic liberalism / é o-conscious person for years.
You cannot read people's hearts or minds except from how they act.
And I did not see any favist/overreaching actions, even the actual delusion of grandeur, when Obama was president.
On the contrary.
And if I remember correctly Obama told him off in multiple instances.
Rdr2 is, on par with DS, one of the best cinematic adventures I've ever played.
I was coming on this thread to say "Anonymous better claim this and come out of stasis..."
Your comment made my day!
"Human Rights Watch list is a Soros backed globalist scheme to hurt the US."
- Trump, soon (tm)
Guy took his eye off da ballz
I wonder if the winding down of US Cyber Reach against Russia being diminished had something to do with it.....