
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Those EQ presets such as the ones by Oratory aren't for everyone. I have nothing but respect for the people putting them out and how they go about it, but they're not for everyone's enjoyment, me included.

Don't get too hung up on it. Just put your EQ to flat and see how you like it when listening to music that you know very well, for example.

And then play with the sliders.

That's what I do, until I find an EQ profile I enjoy for each headphone.

The best sound for you is the one that sounds the best to your ears, quite simply.

If the Oratory preset works for you, good. If it doesn't, give it time to get used to it.

If it still sounds bad, forget about it. Don't let it stop you from enjoying your sound.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I've had the pleasure of trying the HD800S and I loved them for certain types of music. But I couldn't see myself using them daily. Maybe for gaming. But I fear they'd end up hanging on the wall as an art piece. Which they sort of are.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Ah the dreaded Hifiman QC. I'm waiting for the day my 4xx's break. Not looking forward to it.


My main gear currently are an Ifi Zen DAC and some nice Hifiman 4xx plugged into them.

No matter what, I keep coming back to these two. I have other gear, not this is the one that pleases me the most. It is not my endgoal, but it's superb to my ears.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

They're shite.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

I do actually have in mind to get an upgrade soon, not sure if said upgrade will be harder to drive or not but I believe so.


As the title says.

I've a small collection of headphones, none are difficult to drive, have three Beyerdynamics, of which I only use one often, and my mostly used currently would be the Hifiman 4xx.

Very happy with the sound I get out of them at about 50% volume on the Zen Air DAC (tried the Zen DAC 2 at first and then the Air and didn't hear any difference between them to justify the €100 premium) but recently I've been wondering if it would be worth it to add the Zen Air Can to the setup and thus, getting a nice little iFi stack going.

On paper, the Zen Air Can would add plenty of power and a "balanced" output but would it be worth it, would I be getting anything of value ? And is Xspace worth it ? Haven't found much being said online about it, at least not enough to form an opinion.

Please do keep in mind I am not really interested in other amps and I've limited myself to €100, which is the price of both the Zen Air DAC and the Zen Air Can.