
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

let it pass I guess. Back then it was crypto and its the same wave

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

true... but surely there's example of people that makes progress while comfortable? Wondering how to get there now, as I am

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Well alrighty.

Although I did kinda have a thing of forcing my way through. To go to any direction unimpeded by emotions only by rational decision... but I guess things are different when its happy emotions XD

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

good thought! Could be...

Context I was unemployed for 3 months and took that time to learn game dev. ThenI spent the last month job hunting and paused my game dev. My first day starts tomorrow. I guess I maybe just waiting to stabilize again.


I used to be so driven with side projects... apps, game dev, 2d art, 3d modeling etc...

But currently, i've taken on a happier perspective... I've noticed I lost the negative/sad/angry thoughts and is now content and satisfied with things. I've been sleeping at 10 waking at 6. Balanced diet. People happy. Everything seems good.

Now when I try to get back on my projects I kinda don't have the drive anymore. Its hard to explain but it just kinda fizzles out whenever I try. I used to have a heavy heart and hateful of stuff, almost as if the negative fuel was allowing me to commit to my idea and reject everything else.

Now I feel like a happy blob but I kinda want my drive again... Anyone else?