How much you want to bet he was (rightly) critizining truedo
I had to reread the title because I was wondering why mike tyson was trying to help
Ya I'd grab one if it was like fifty percent off in a heart beat assuming it was one of the awd versions, heck I'd even but a cybertruck if it was like 30 grand at that price I'm using the parts after it self-destructs to convert a different vehicle
Baking bread is the same as moonshining
There's got to be a way to just decriminalize piracy
Weird must be the app because I just see a picture with a play button it that does nothing
Is this a video?
Seems like an attack on all of lemmy then
Nah just weld two nuclear submarines together and place a fancy ballroom deck on top
I tried it but it failed or something and windows just took over again
"Do you think a sunset in beautiful?"
Ah I just found this mixed in with a bunch of science memes so I guess I need to pay more attention