
joined 9 months ago
[–] 8 points 5 months ago

Mike Ancheta, clown. Cooking on a open flame is called bbq when he does it though

[–] 8 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I used to work for a foreign company in the US that made this stuff. All the crucibles were made out of graphite, never saw a quartz crucible, maybe they are used in the making of them via ingredient or mold, or maybe they produce a different quality of silicon. We "grew" the silicon into these big (ranging from 2-4ish ft long) cylinder like crystals where they would be shipped off to another area to be sliced into thin wafers for chips. The crucibles were good for maybe I think under 100 runs before they needed to be replaced if they didn't fail before that.

[–] 6 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Your "logic" and "reason" are trash and you are mad people are telling you as much. Dehumanizing people you disagree with too, not a good look for you

[–] 19 points 7 months ago

Pizza delivery driver is statistically a more dangerous job then police, stop spreading copaganda/ apologia

[–] 17 points 8 months ago


[–] 8 points 8 months ago

Its karma farm, they wait to repost a popular post, then post the most popular comments from the old one verbatim. Its gotten really bad

[–] 9 points 8 months ago

Left reddit recently bc of the toxicity, massive noticeable uptick across most subs. Blatant racism, homophobia and hate in general with next to zero moderation. The ads were just cancer(without a blocker) with the sponsored "he gets us" ones being unblockable and funded by a christian hate group prominently showing up constantly. Kbin has been an alright replacement minus the server issues recently

[–] 10 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Punishment for heresy is excommunication, used to be a fine and or imprisonment and sometimes to be burnt alive. Bible says to warn them twice then ignore them entirely ostracizing them from society. If they were real christens they should be canceling each other for biblical wrong think. Its hilarious that people who dont follow the faith, regularly know more about what the bible says then people who are adamant "followers".

[–] 6 points 9 months ago

For real, I went to protests, made signs, mailed an ungodly amount of flyers, donated and voted for changes. Barely made a difference for the years I put in, massively uphill and rigged battle. They just started and are bitching us adults aren't doing anything, we are tired from constantly fighting with little to show for it and are more concerned with paying rent next week bc we have actual responsibilities and obligations as adults ontop of everything else.

[–] 5 points 9 months ago

You are getting hung up on one valid example ignoring everything else, trying repeatedly to personally attack me and create a straw man, grow up

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

Totally agree on ar15s, you don't need anything with that capacity for any reason really. I can see an argument for some conservation/wildlife management (ie: boar over population) but really that should fall to government to handle who has access to those kinds of firearms already.

[–] 7 points 9 months ago (2 children)

They are in my yard regularly with their young. We have had them give birth in my backyard repeatedly and its not uncommon to have these huge animals wander into the city outskirts sometimes. Not everyone lives in a city that is devoid of large wildlife. There are plenty of people who live out on the edge of wilderness who also need to worry about bears that you totally skipped past (had a few wander through where I live a couple of times I'm aware of and I would say I'm closer to city outskirts then wilderness proper). There are also several communities in my state who rely on local hunting and fishing for food, something else you are ignoring. Realize there are other people living vastly different lives then what you know instead of making outlandish personal attacks like a child

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