
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 minute ago

Ya, zero risk to everything once you get 7 or 8 police wielding them at the same time, per one violent person, in a crowded subway with potentially no walls to pin them down to, with the extreme possibility of someone just pulling a gun on you when you have both your hands occupied with a stick. Mancatchers work great on gifs and videos, but suck in the actual world. Especially when you get charged by a dude wielding a knife. You'll 100% have the time to "break the glass in an emergency" and to deal with said person. Especially when the situation turns from "let's run after this guy that skipped the fare" into "holy shit that's a knife and I'm going to die".

[–] 1 points 13 minutes ago

No, there aren't "police forces across the world trained to deal with people with deadly weapons". They are trained to save themselves first and foremost. Same as firemen aren't trained to run into a burning building heroically grabbing the puppy / family member and carrying them out. Paramedics too. This is the reality - nobody is required to give their lives up / risk their lives to save someone else's.

[–] 2 points 8 hours ago

A lot of people learn this lesson sadly. It isn't "sexy" to brag that you have a gold / platinum rated high quality PSU. People would rather add a "Ti" or a "10" to their graphics card and then lose it all when it goes. Same reason why I have an UPS for home PC - sure, overvoltage, undervoltage, electrical noise probably won't harm the PC. But why risk it? Also having a battery to save your shit, or buy more electricity online when you run out on a prepaid meter is cool (speaking from experience, happened to me like 10 times already lol)

[–] 2 points 10 hours ago (8 children)

And then two years down the line you lose all the data - the pictures, the savegames, the porn collection. Drives are the one thing that shouldn't be bought used

[–] 18 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Especially with ear licking being a thing

[–] -2 points 3 days ago

Yeah no shit. Still helped.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

Insert the pedobear "too old" meme

[–] 11 points 5 days ago

Two sides to every story. Your friend isn't your therapist and while instantly reacting with "go call hotline" means you don't have a friend at all, you cannot expect your friend to be able to bear the weight of your feelings, of your darkest moments with you. Stuff like this ruins people and I know that from experience from both sides. Dealing with suicidal thoughts of other people is extremely stressful and basically a landmine field. You aren't trained to navigate it properly. You are not objective. And ultimately, other than being a sympathetic ear, you are unable to help them in the way they need help.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago (5 children)

What, you mean like in the Bronze age? Are you seriously that dense?

[–] 23 points 5 days ago

Yeah because it was a free game in the "hold to fly the helicopter up" genre that wasn't supposed to blow up this much. There are millions of such games on app stores, steam, etc. Some of them catch lightning in a bottle and become ridiculously popular despite there not being anything special about them.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago

Kay, first step. Second step, not having to buy any currency.

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