
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 1 year ago

I use brave and think it's the best browser available, so I'm not arguing against it or anything, but technically it just supports use of the onion protocol, it does not provide the same full suite of protections that the tor browser does

As Brave says themselves:

For users who currently require leakproof privacy, we recommend using the Tor Browser, which provides much stronger and well-tested protection against websites or eavesdroppers using advanced techniques to uncover a true IP address.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

really "normie" is a normie term now, ever since Wednesday on Netflix became a pop culture phenomenon. I've heard people in real life use this term

[–] 17 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I've barely used mine. I just didn't think through what use case I'd have for it and bought it since it was cool. I don't travel much and I usually only want to game when I'm home anyway, where I use my main gaming rig. I thought I would use the deck in bed, but I find that it's not as enticing as I thought it would be

been meaning try and sell it while it's still got some value tbh, it's basically brand new even though I've had it for nearly a year

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It shows people that it's not just trans people at risk due to this violent rhetoric the right spews. Everyone is at risk of being targeted even if they are perceived as trans.

I'm a cis man, but I don't have the deepest voice, and I've been worried about this kind of thing happening for a while since I live in the south, and it looks like I was right to worry.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Every single one of these Brave "scandals" are so irrelevant and meaningless. I was hoping the reddit hive mind wouldn't be brought over to lemmy, but here we are.

This article, especially after the update from Brave, seems like a huge nothing-burger. Just another excuse for the Firefox Fanatics crowd to rag on Brave and circlejerk each other about how good Firefox is.

The article isn't even about Brave Browser, and it has nothing to do with user data. The website owner is mad that Brave Search is crawling their site and using data in their "Summarizer" feature. I thought Firefox users were supposed to be against the Google internet monopoly, but apparently when it comes to one of the only companies with their own independent and actually decent search engine, they don't seem to care anymore because of stupid "Firefox good brave bad" browser wars nonsense.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

tech people get annoyed at the weirdest shit...

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Well in my experience, Firefox is definitely slower, and it is immediately apparent that it is much jankier than Chrome. And as the many posts I linked above show, I am not the only one with this experience.

Also it's hilarious how I give a source and now the goal posts are moved and the benchmarks are "synthetic"

CPU and GPU benchmarks are also "synthetic" but they still show actual differences between what is being tested.

Qualitatively and quantitatively, Firefox is slower.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (6 children)

What's wrong with Firefox?!

I will get downvotes for this, but you asked:

Firefox is slow and glitchy, and lots of websites break or just perform worse than chrome.

Firefox used to have ~30% market share around 13 years ago, when it was better than the competition. The reason it's dropped so significantly is because better options came along (chrome)

I understand the arguments about Google controlling the internet through chromium. I would love for Firefox to actually be the best browser, but it's not.

And since Firefox users ignore these citisisms and act like it's the best browser ever, there is not enough pressure for Firefox to actually fix these issues, since their users act like it's already the best thing available and perfect in every way. It's very similar to why Linux doesn't catch on.

I have tried just about every browser available. I will use the one that performs the best and has the best features. Currently that is Brave, which is a great browser, but I would absolutely jump to Firefox if things changed and it became the best performing option.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The death of the old internet continues..


I use Playnite as a launcher for my pirated games. It would be nice to have a way to sync my save games between devices somehow.

Is there a program that does this? or maybe some workaround?


It says he is a VIP uploader, but I just want to be extra careful and ask for some second opinions since I'm not too experienced in software piracy.

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