Wife's cousin was a concert harpist living a while in Paris. Every time she would practice THE HARP, during normal daylight hours, the older woman would howl and bang the ceiling (cousins floor) and was extremely awful to her in every way possible. Because... Harp.
Fucking wacky
This stupid house initially had three water heaters. A. 110 volt little heater that only ran the kitchen sink and the dishwasher. A 55 gallon water heater to run one bathroom and the laundry. And a third 60 or 65 gallon water heater to run two bathrooms and that was it. Isn't that crazy? I removed the 110 volt water heater and the 60 gallon water heater, and now I need to replace the 55 with a heat pump water heater. This is probably something worth doing. It should consume a lot less electricity and I intend to disable the resistance heater for it. I will get more capacity to help.
That stupid 55 gallon water heater is framed into a wall, which is patently insane.
I wish you luck and I would strongly suspect the water heater is your culprit.
Canada. Somewhere.