only a guy like Trump would worry about publicity at a time like that
maybe they could add a feature where users can set their own meta communities, like a custom collection from all the various instances
ffmpeg, if you don't mind the command line.. there's only two options you really have to know for editing, -ss and -t , starting time and length, respectively.. also don't forget that first -i for input file name, output file name is always last
eg, ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:01:40 -t 00:05:00 output.mp4
that would clip out five minutes starting at a minute forty seconds in
fixed, it was late 😉
Renegade BBSes -> IRC -> slashdot -> digg -> reddit -> imgur -> discord -> mastadon
with plenty of side quests along the way
"You didn’t let your friends drown in nameless oceans during a frigid storm. That was, sure, basic friendship rules right there" ~The Lopen
Palestinian isn't a race, the country was a creation of the UN after WW1; technically, they're mostly Arabs, who, for the record, conquered like 11 countries, assimilating most of the natives