
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Prepping, still, for a DnD campaign. Pulling all the stops, with music (ripped from Cyberpunk 2077 and looped), art (done by me), branching narratives when my players do something unexpected, custom homebrew mechanics (it's cyberpunk red ported into 5e, so as best as it can be ported), etc. I really want to start it soon but I have to migrate all the stuff I had made on a foundry server to my computer, and that'll take time since I'm cleaning it up as I go.

Apart from that, killing bugs and heretics on Space Marine 2, killing bugs and heretics on Rimworld, and killing imperialists and fascists on Squad.

[–] 18 points 1 week ago

Not much, honestly. One night this year, my friends and I planned on going to a bar to welcome back a buddy who we hadn't seen in a long time. Something happened, can't remember what, and we had to go to someone's place instead to celebrate.

Later in the evening we saw on the news that the bar had been shot up, and plenty were dead. Bar was shut down soon after. It had a good crowd, wasn't too noisy, the food wasn't that bad, and prices were cheaper than other places in the city. My guess is that it was a money laundering scheme and someone would benefit from having it being shut down, because I didn't hear anything about anyone important being there at the moment as if to imply it was a hit.

Lucky us.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Even then, it'd take a lot more than just equal quality and compatibility. Folks are too used to Adobe slop to switch.

I've recently started using Affinity instead and ngl, it's getting there. No AI stuff (which is a plus for me), runs better, and is capable of doing damn near the same things.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

Squad, Rimworld, WH40K: Rogue Trader, Another Crab's Treasure, and Valheim and Baldur's Gate 3 with friends.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

Yeah, lot of em moved on to make Weird West, as Wolf-Eye Studios.

It's a good game if an out-there im-sim is what you want.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (2 children)

How tech savvy are we talking? I can troubleshoot the usual stuff on my pc, by googling. But I'm not a sysadmin and have 0 knowledge about how to set up or maintain a server.

My group has been looking at TTRPGs for a while now. We used Owlbear Rodeo for one campaign, and started our current one on Roll20 without premium, but... It's so unintuitive. An honest to goodness UI/UX nightmare. I can see the logic behind some of the choices but it's so uncomfortable to use. We want something with a bit more functionality (character sheets and dice rolling at least, dynamic fog of war being a personal bonus as a DM).

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

How tech savvy are we talking? I can troubleshoot the usual stuff on my pc, by googling. But I'm not a sysadmin and have 0 knowledge about how to set up or maintain a server.

My group has been looking at TTRPGs for a while now. We used Owlbear Rodeo for one campaign, and started our current one on Roll20 without premium, but... It's so unintuitive. An honest to goodness UI/UX nightmare. I can see the logic behind some of the choices but it's so uncomfortable to use. We want something with a bit more functionality (character sheets and dice rolling at least, dynamic fog of war being a personal bonus as a DM).

[–] 5 points 5 months ago

Solo es mi experiencia personal, pero creo que tendras que asegurarte muy bien al buscar psicologos que traten TDAH en paises tercermundistas. Soy de uno, y he estado como pelota de tennis de un psicologo/psiquiatra a otro. Un psiquiatra que vi incluso no creia que el TDAH existiese y atribuia mis sintomas a fallas personales. Muy decorado su CV y todo, no esperaba eso.

Digo esto nada mas porque avances medicos tienden a tardar un poco en llegar aca. Tal vez podrias tener mas suerte con psicologos/psiquiatras jovenes, podrian estar mas actualizados.

Buena suerte, por cierto!

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Replaying Dragon's Dogma in prep for the new game. I had forgotten how much grind the game requires, honestly. I've been Mage 1-11, MArcher 6, Ranger 6, Sorc 30-40 or so, and my magic score is still low as hell. I'm purposefully delaying meeting the duke because I really want to give MArcher a try in the post-game, and it feels like I've already played for a long time but sheesh, levelling up is slow. I had never focused on building for stats, honestly. I know now though that most of your damage comes from your gear, so I might quit levelling Sorc when I reach 450 magic instead of the 600.

Hope it's a little faster in the second entry.

Apart from that, trying the Nordic Souls modpack for Skyrim, and Helldivers 2.

[–] 9 points 6 months ago

IMO the problem at this point is leadership. They've realized people will buy their shit if they sell a cheap, surface-deep fantasy with interesting visuals and let folks do a very limited number of different things in a single playthrough. Because of that, there's no nuance to their worlds. They want to make a sandbox game with no reactivity.

Unless leadership resigns I won't expect anything else than the equivalent of a gas station meal.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago (3 children)

This. And in case of no job, spite. It's carried me through a lot.

[–] 7 points 7 months ago

Wasn't here back when it happened, but from what I know, it was straight up white supremacy shit. It got defed to death.

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