Earth is perfectly habitable with 10 degrees warming. The problem is that the jump in temperatures is way to fast. So biomes can not shift quickly enough, which causes huge problems. So right now the most important thing to do is to limit that jump. If we do not go too much higher, then most areas humans currently live in will still be habitable.
The differences within the EU are incredible. Spain at $97 and Italy at -$44. I would have thought that ETS-1 would have created relatively equal prices over all EU countries.
Probably smarter to not built new LNG export terminals and therefore not expand the pipeline network in the US.
The rich countries, were the elder are actually responsible can built proper dykes and so forth to deal with it or they can just move. It is going to be the poor elderly who will suffer and most of them really did nothing wrong.
Companies like money, so why would they want subsidies to be cut?
The Tories know they are going to loose the next election anyway. Obviously they are not going to make it a crime, they rather cash in any built good connections with the fossil fuel industry, as their policy has pissed of most of the other industries really badly already. Since Labour is going to do some unpopular climate related policy, this gives the Tories a strong ally to help them out and finance a massive campaign againt Labour.
How are transport emissions increasing? The US is a rich country so EVs should replace IC cars on the road at least somewhat quickly. Globally we have 19% EV sales and most everybody in the US already has a car.
The problem is only 9% of the beef production and 30% of global sheep and goat production are feed using grazing. The rest so most of them are feed using some form of human edible plants and they would not be replaced by wild animals. Furthermore it is something, which can be easily done today. We would still be able to produce enough food for every human on the planet and it would even be easier, as all the feedstock for animals would no longer be needed. So it really is a nice and easy few percent to get, which pretty much everybody can easily do themself.
There is Formula E. We also have some all electric super cars by now. Porsche has Taycan, Rimac is all electric and there are some other sports cars around as well.
Why is decarbonisation of individual heating and electrify individual mobility not on a similar level? Seriously most people do not care where the heat comes from, but that it comes. Nobody is braging that they have the GasBoiler MilleniumXX at home. However a lot of people are really into cars and the sound and feeling of a combustion engine has been made into something cool by car advertisments. So people are going to switch to low cost green heating, if it is cheaper and practical. I do not see that for cars.
Great news! That means it is working and that means fossil fuel intressts are going to get weaker in British Columbia.