Weird how when I see a moronic thumbnail on a YT link, I just automatically downvote 🤔
"Tesla finds opportunity to blame sales drop on something other than shite-quality cars and racist company owner"
Great idea but a cargo ship has like 2% top surface showing, the rest is containers of future landfill :(
Sorted that headline for ya
It's always the Brits and the yanks
Fuckin barbarians 😅
Dave down the Red Lion
It's to let you know you should install an extension on your browser that adds a small "block this site" button to your search results
If you think marijuana isn't going to do you serious mental harm in the long term, you're a fool that's been listening to people that haven't been smoking more than a decade
Mate, I'd definitely prefer loose leaf tea but can't be arsed with the extra hassle
There are dozens of us
I #me (i@myself) myself am happy #delighted (delirious@happy) to not have comments #posts (comments@posts) that look like someone crashed #accident (carcrash@death) their car while typing #fuckoffandjusttypeanormalsentence
leaked by retailer
Just say fuckin "advertised" smh
Slow news day at The Gruniard then?