Turns out it doesn't work properly if you do let it
Cheesus, they can do better than that
On recent performance, no they can't. I mean, they had the chance to use Driftwood and went with Slowroll.
SUSE provide a lot of the infrastructure for openSUSE and base their enterprise Linux from factory.
The last Windows I used was Windows 2000 Professional. I bought a new PC, didn't like XP so I switched to Linux full time as I'd been using it more and more anyway. Windows has only gotten worse since then so I've never looked back.
Thunderbird. Being on Plasma, I would use Kontact / KMail but it randomly refuses to send emails for me.
Zsh works for me
I will presume that there is a useful and mostly logical reason for it
Home directories are temporary, obviously
They've let their site certificates expire a few times and told their users to set their clocks back to get around the issueand they've accidentally ddosed the aur a couple of times with their package management tools.
I'm not sure if it's niche but openSUSE Tumbleweed isn't as popular as it deserves to be. If you are looking for more niche, back in my distro hopping days I enjoyed Kaos and Solus