I hope they’ve been working on a really good new fight that I have have a thousand times over.
Ireland should do a civil war against America for whatever the hell was going on in that weird parade scene in the Fugitive where they’re all dressed as leprechauns.
I never thought I’d say this, but I’m closing the bureau… for an hour.
This will be like the Jazz Odyssey of films.
People be always trying to invent Erlang.
Scots ghost called “Ronin” moment.
Not new. US Evangelism is explicitly a doomsday cult, and Israel is key to their eschatology.
Did they just take the extra year to make these videos to apologise for making a live service loot shooter and utterly bottling on the massive expectations they’d generated in the wake of the Arkham games?
Was wondering if someone had leaked this news to stir up support, but I’m glad they did because this sounds pretty cool.
Always felt like it was kind of rude that Susan Sarandon kept this guy’s name long after they were married, and got way more famous with it. Worth it for the alliteration.
Funny how the press banged on for months about Gordon Brown being unelected and having no mandate, whereas this out-of-touch sack of shit billionaire human-impersonator gets a free pass.
The point of the lights obviously being to push the responsibility onto the drivers around the self-driven car, rather than the manufacturer who actually made the faulty autopilot.