I just Selfhost tailscale now days, but it's true that setting up VPNs can be a pain, especially if it's containers and/or supposed to be an overlay network.
The remote stuff is easily achievable with other methods, like hosting a VPN server of some sort.
Had an old laptop which ran horribly slow on windows. Put Ubuntu on it without knowing anything about that stuff. Years later, I got interested in computer science and Cybersecurity, made some experiences with Kali Linux. Eventually switched my desktop to Linux mint iirc. My servers tun Debian
That old laptop? I used it for the first months of Cybersecurity lectures, until I bought a new laptop with my first salary. This weekend I put LMDE 6 on it. Debian is home.
Didn't know I wanted this, unfortunately I use Cinnamon, but this is a great feature!
Pipewire is amazing, especially when used to make music with it!
Apperently it's just an installer for some steam skin? I didn't even know skins were a thing. It looks pretty amazing through.
Can confirm, I have my name and a pretty much random domain name.
What I use to automatically extend stuff like ls ....
to ls ../../../..
function expand-dots() {
local MATCH
if [[ $LBUFFER =~ '(^| )\.\.\.+' ]]; then
function expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete() {
zle expand-dots
zle expand-or-complete
function expand-dots-then-accept-line() {
zle expand-dots
zle accept-line
zle -N expand-dots
zle -N expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete
zle -N expand-dots-then-accept-line
bindkey '^I' expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete
bindkey '^M' expand-dots-then-accept-line
(for zsh)
I disagree. The EU is one of the best things that ever happened to us Europeans, who knows, we might be fighting another war if history went different.
Politically, the EU spins around between based decisions and crap like chat surveillance, but over all, it has been a major contributor to the high standard of life in Europe, I'm convinced of this.
Fuck cars, I want good public transit and walkable+bikeabke cities.
What's the problem with Epic Games, besides No Tux no Bux and anti cheat rootkits?
I mean those suck, but it has to be more than that right?
How does this prevent MITM attacks? The secret you send to the server, be it called hash or password, is what's used to authenticate the user. For the purpose of client/server communication, this "password" on your host only is not relevant, as it's only used to generate the real secret.
A hypothetical MITM attacker would still gain access to that secret, without needing to care how it was generated, be it by hashing something on your host or by coming up with semi random letters yourself.
The secret sent to the server becomes the defacto password.
Now about those password managers, they are a thing but I don't have experience using them. Through a disadvantage is that if a site gets breached you have to do something weird with your password manager, so that a different password is produced with your secret key and the domain name. This can be done with a counter that needs to be manually adjusted, but that's weird from a usability point of view.