What does this even mean?? I'm trying to read through the Comments to make sense of it and see if somebody's given a "translation" of what it's trying to say ... 1% more person isn't allowed to talk too much? Original autie is sensitive to the chatter so dislikes being talked at?
I'm trying to follow, but I'm missing something crucial to the interpretation of whatever this means
I dislike the concept of a single-axis, back-and-forth "spectrum" such as your 12% would imply, but more of a multidimensional conglomerate of myriad spectra (plural), where e.g. spoken language when not overstimulated is one, spoken language ability WHEN overstimulated is another, social interactions when not oversocial-ed is one axis, social interaction ability while oversocial-ed is another, tactile sensory is one axis, smell/olfactory sensory is another, visual sensory is another, etc.
Because that's the reality, is that it's a mish-mash of several interconnected axes and spectra, that tend to go off the rails a bit faster / more easily than NT / allists seem to go off the rails and break down