You are 👍, nextcloud needs like 2 admin per each user. The snap version works fairly well even after a lot of virtualization layers. Proxmox -> Ubuntu LXC -> Snap -> Nextcloud
Ubuntu was great, until Unity debacle, when I switched to Mint DE. Few years later I returned to an Unity free Ubuntu just to be welcomed with snaps and Ubuntu pro.
I used or it used me for a couple of years. Then while looking for a replacement I found the snap version. I installed it in a fresh Ubuntu VM and it just works.
I'm very skeptical of anything Toyota says about EVs.
Toyota Rav4 PHEV 18.1kWh Toyota Rav4 Hybrid ~1.6kWh Model Y LR 81kWh
81 / 18.1 = 4.48 PHEV 81 / 1.6 = 50.6 Hybrids
Those will be available in Marshalls soon.
Anything other than QNAP.
I was wondering the same thing this weekend after watching an absurd number of insurance commercials on each football game.
Can someone list few reputable insurance companies other than the Gecko, Emu and Flo?
Have you tried to cook in a electric stove? I personally hate them. I just turn the exhaust on.
Eaton is my recommendation. Look at the 5S1500 (modified sinewave) or 5SC1500. They all work with NUT. I have one of my UPS connected to a Raspberry PI Zero with NUT. And my servers NUT clients are scheduled to shutdown after a 2min outage and my NAS after 4min. I can also monitor the UPS from Home Assistant and receive notifications on my phone each time the UPS goes OB or OL.
Any specific reason to move from a Mikrotik to OPNsense?
I think this is the best homelab router out there. If you are new to Mikrotik there is definitely a steep learning curve.
Openwrt is fairly good too, but I think documentation can be lacking and confusing for some edge applications. My other concerns with openwrt is performance since it is compatible with a wide variety of hardware is difficult to know how it will perform without testing it.
Trump will do a great job. The SCOTUS gave him full immunity, so what can go wrong?