
joined 1 year ago
[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Zerg are pretty much useless to the Borg though because their adaption is entirely reliant on the knowledge and memories of the assimilated. They took over entire worlds in pursuit of knowledge to subdue 8472. And failed at every attempt in alpha canon.

The Zerg use a psionic hivemind, the vast majority of Zerg strains are not sentient, or effectively puppets for the sapient commanders of the swarmz usually cerebrates and later broodqueens, even things live Overlords are just relays.

The Borg have never been shown capable or willing to apply genetic modifications to drones, such as enhancing human drones with the physical abilities of vulcans or klingons that the nanites and implants don't already imbue. Since Zerg evolution and mutations aren't tech based, the borg can't replicate it, which was their goal for 8472 in being able to use that tech for their own ends.

Borg ships also don't have shields, so it's just going to be drop pods infesting cubes and eating them inside out for biomass and infesting the rest of the structure for use as mobile hive clusters. It the 8472 were able to overcome nanites with their own immune systems, the Zerg would equally be able to become immune to such attacks particularly if Abjuthar had any part in it.

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

What about two entire expansion packs? Borg never got that!

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Scourges would disagree. Also Leviathens are bigger than Cubes.

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

The Borg couldn't even assimilate 8472 aka the Undine. The Zerg make those bastards look like baby's first eugenics war. And thats not even factoring in Kerrigan's BS writing.

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I think you're putting far to much faith in people willing to vote (R), their base would vote for them even as their families are sent to labor and death camps, while undecided and 'independent' voters will cast their ballot entirely on the last headline or 72 hours.

To me this reeks of Greene and other Magots realizing their wing of the party is imploding and will have to find a place in what ever GOP comes out the otherside of this election and the next midterm. Trump's decline makes it pretty obvious they need someone else's coattails to grab onto and rally around, so she's trying to be the loudest voice in the room to be part of the new power structure if not the face of it.

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

Putin consistently underestimates women. He was happy Hillary was secretary of state until she gave vocal support to the Ukrainian Revolutions in 2014 that ousted his puppet. He assumed CIA was pulling her strings or operating through her so tried to burn that bridge. Trump was a resounding failure at implementing long term policies to benefit Russia, so now he's banking on Harris being passive in foreign policy.

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Wind Turbine's problems is we have to replace the blades every 3-7 years depending on the model and there is no good way to recycle or break down the fiberglasse components. So every every 3-7 years you have 3 XL tractor truck trailer size turbine blades going into landfills.

Wind and Solar are still good, don't get me wrong, but lets not pretend they have no downsides or drawbacks.

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

We're just gonna set up a vat of molten metal and send it out Terminator 2 style. /s

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 44 points 4 days ago

A few of the women I work with who are vocal about their politics, will quite firmly point to how conservatives still engage in victim blaming if a woman gets sexually harassed or assaulted, to say nothing of rape/murder, to their reasons for going blue.

Their reproductive rights being curtailed while men old enough to be their father get viagra covered through their insurance telling them to just shut their legs is just a horrific bonus.

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The only reason I can think to release it as it was, was for tax write odd purposes with how much money it was going to lose.

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Everytime I stick in my spoon I get a spoons worth of antimatter-matter annihilation reaction.

[–] Rakonat@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago

His dumbass will probably want to do something like 'FasceX'

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