
joined 10 months ago
[–] RampUpMarketing@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

I help startups grow online so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

3,000 newsletter sign-ups is impressive and you should definitely start thinking of monetizing. You are on the right path with building a content plan for the newsletter, but you can go many different directions.

The idea of having ad spots on your newsletter is a decent idea, but I’d suggest a few other ways. I would need to understand you business more and what you are offering to get so many sign-ups. Then we can find out a plan for you. DM me and we can chat more about it.

[–] RampUpMarketing@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

I work with startups to help them grow online. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

But growing organically on any social media platform will be a challenge because their algorithms are built to limit organic so you have to pay to get any real traction. So a strong content and networking strategy will be key if the paid route is not something you want to pursue. I’d like to understand your company more and your vision to help give you more recommendations

[–] RampUpMarketing@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

The first thing is, what is the timing of when you need/expect to earn money? This will drive the recommendations. Blogging is a viable option but will take time to build and grow.

[–] RampUpMarketing@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

You know it is tough, especially when you’re trying to grow your business and feel like you can’t take a day off. I just posted about this on my socials about how I took a day off just to play with my kids.

What has helped me is just making a weekly schedule and daily plan on what I need to do for social. This way I know exactly what I need to do each day to move the needle and when I am done, I don’t have to feel the guilt that I should be doing more. This gives me permission for family time, exercise or doing something totally different with my time.

It is a grind, but that is what works for me.

[–] RampUpMarketing@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

You are a great son for trying to help him, and I know from experience that the older generation has a hard time wrapping their head around the online world. But you nailed it, people are lazy being online opens you up to a global market instead of just a local one.

I consult companies in launching online and happy to answer any more questions. Don't worry I am not trying to sell you here. Before you even get started work with your dad to find out who his ideal customers are. Make a customer persona (you can google this) and then this will help guide your strategy online. I have a worksheet that I could share with you if you have a hard time finding one.