I mean, the government in that is arguably right wing, but then again they are also the bad guys
Just FYI, they got acquired a few years back and the new parent company is a bit shady.
It's code.
Oh no!, someone you have never met or interacted with in any meaningful way feels some empathy for someone else that you have never met or interacted with in any meaningful way!!, its the end of the world, society is collapsing, dogs and cats are sleeping together!!!!!
It was a fucking question, it harms no one. A human being was expressing their feelings about something. Get over it.
The article agrees with you.
These are actual elections. "Winning streak" means they won in actual elections, not polls.
It even specifically mentions that Democrats are outperforming expectations (those expectations are driven by Polls)
.....isnt all food made out of fundamental particles?
wouldnt that force them to admit the public patent and all its details are a copy? thus confirming exactly how the device works.....and isnt that something they dont want?
thats actually my most rewatched Star Trek movie, its maybe not the "best" but its the funnest to watch.
The shit they put O'Brien through on DS9 is just insane.
Its funny to me that the real reason he gets especially picked on is because he is played by such a talented actor. I loved DS9 but Colm Meany is by far the best actor on that show IMO.
hes just some little man who wanted attention. never ever give it to him.
Its odd that apperently the first time they didi it they left BSA, in the name when the B stands for Boy.
If the whole point was to allow girls, why leave the word boy in the name?