I lost all my customers a year ago, and the money, as well. Yes, it is difficult, but I think if I could achieve something in the past, I hope, I can do it in the future. Now the time to have a break. I recommend you to hope for the best and just do it!
joined 1 year ago
If you do not understand your next steps and have time, I would recommend to go to the accelerator
Food business is so specific! It is better to look for subreddits dedicated to this topic, they will help you more
You can sell your knowledge , skills, provide online services. Be bootstrapped!
Oh yeee, that it so true!
When I was a student, I was giving the classes of English. It was no difficult and brought a good amount that time
Just try, find what you will like, and will be hooked with, will have passion and money. A great recipe!
What about making your online shop with Christmas gifts?
Lack of stability -- one day you are a star, another day you think that you will die without a penny