
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Stunningly wrong.

I work in a field where moving around is a benefit that adds credibility.

Clearly you u/JackieFinance did not read the part of the VPN wiki that says "you will get caught."

It seems you realize that being where you are not supposed to be opens your employer to tax and other legal liabilities. Add contractual issues. What you fail to recognize is that the company will throw you under the bus (as they should) when you get caught to protect themselves. You'll be fired and they will do everything in their power to transfer all civil and criminal liability to you.

How can anyone trust someone like you?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago


Today you win the Internet. This personal award does not come with points or icons, just my respect. You provided a footnote.

Not everything on PubMed is peer reviewed. It's still more than anyone else has done. I'll go through the first couple of pages and might do another search on Google Scholar.

My personal experience (single data point, not published, not peer-reviewed) is that sitting down I can type as fast as I can think. Standing I drop down to somewhere between 50 and 60 wpm. For me, that's a productivity hit, especially since I may lose track of a point I want to make in my work product.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (4 children)

I work faster and more effectively sitting than standing. I drink a lot of water so bathroom breaks are stretch breaks. A good chair is important.

The standing advocates never seem to have credible, peer-reviewed scientific footnotes.

I've had jobs with lots of standing and it's a misery. If you sign up for the hype, get really good shoes.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

iPhone 15 outside the US has, I believe, a hardware SIM slot. I have a 12 with eSIM (up to eight) and a hardware slot. I haven't used the hardware slot yet. I've gotten eSIMs everywhere and usually can download them before I leave the previous country.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

First time: 1978. I was 18. By 1982 I'd lived in five US cities and two other countries. Not everything went perfectly but I've had a good life and continue to travel. I get paid to travel. Heading out again in two weeks.

Awful lot of discussion of mental health disorders instead of "suck it up, buttercup." Do or do not.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

McMurdo Station has a long history of outstanding chefs. There is competition to go and it looks great on resumes.