
joined 11 months ago

Macro Using XT-4 and 80mm macro lens

Hello Everyone.

I have an XT-4 and I am thinking about getting the 80mm macro lens. This is my winter project while its cold, wet and dark outside.

Is this combination easy to use for macro photography and can anyone tell me the basic settings that I need to use or recommend any tutorials - I can‘t seem to find any that show me how to take photos, they all seems about reviews of the lens (which do seem pretty good).

Any help appreciated:)




Hi Everyone. I’ve always been enthusiastic but suffered with depression/anxiety but photography helped. I took a years course to up my game and experiment with manual settings and doing new stuff like street photography. I really enjoyed it. The course finished some time ago and my plan was to get out there and shoot but I find that I am making excuses. I can be bothered although when I do it then I love it. It could be. Bit of depression or maybe feeling that everyone’s photos are so much better than mine. Anyhow, does anyone else get this? And has anyone got any suggestions to help? Thanks for reading! John