
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I just want to write a superhero episode where Mysterion fights PC Principle like Batman vs. Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. They'd both get good hits on each other, but PC Principle breaks Mysterion's back. Kenny is in so much pain in the hospital, that he tries to kill himself to reincarnat to help the other heroes/boys. But because the boys and the doctors don't know Kenny is immortal, they keep saving him even though he's in constant pain and can't walk.

It's just a funny part of a plot that I had for another superhero episode. Not sure what the main plot would be.


I know most of you will say no, and that's totally fine. I can understand why people would think that they're pointless. But to be honest, the beeps in South Park and shows like it, to me, make it a little bit... more funny? I can't really describe it. Maybe it's the sound of the beep itself. Maybe it was because we could often still clearly hear a F and a K sound before and after the beep, or maybe it was an excuse to our parents to watch South Park. I don't know. Beeps are just so funny to me. But now they're almost non-existent.

Does anyone else miss beeps, or am I the only one?