Chargers are false starting almost every time.
Steelers beat the Bengals and the Brownies take an L. Good Thanksgiving weekend of football.
Love a good special teams play.
Its because he looks like a hipster douche and not a football coach.
This concert is trash.
Google says this is a free kick:
A free kick is a kickoff or safety kick that puts the ball in play to start a free kick down. It must be made from any point on the kicking (offensive) team's restraining line and between the inbounds lines. A kickoff puts the ball in play at the start of each half, after a try, and after a successful field goal.
This game is turrrrible.
- Charles Barkley, probably
What happened to Godf in the 1st quarter for him to look like this? He looks awful.
Goff is so slow lol
Breaking news. Employee consults boss before making changes to his staff. More at 11.
All of you need to take back the Russ slander and apologize to him an Ciara.
Patrick “Mitch Trubisky” Mahomes