
joined 5 months ago

This is an art form if you play a lawful good face character and your DM says you aren’t allowed to lie.

This is the real pro tip.

I had the same thought. Most people I encounter online and in person are not great at summarizing information regardless of the context.

For example: those who don't summarize the content of a conversation and instead poorly and inaccurately act out the entire encounter, "word by word ". Ughhhhh.

[–] 22 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

After reading that, I think calling O'Leary a garbage human is an insult to garbage everywhere.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I remember that! They were more a specialty brand that you'd find in more upscale grocery stores. Now they're just boring, apparently disgusting, processed meat like every other brand.

I've had a man crush on him for decades now.

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I recently rode in a Tesla on FSD for over 26 hours of freeway travel. It was flawless the entire time.

On city streets? 90% was about right. It once took too sharp of a turn at a double right turn and spooked the driver next to us (although it didn't cross into their lane, just got close), and another time decided to only change lanes halfway into the left turn lane.

I agree that it needs to be near 100% on city streets before it's ready for launch because that 10% difference is HUGE when it comes to safety. If their "level 5" taxi isn't using some vastly improved software, it needs to be kept off the street.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

No worries! I get corrected on things all the time. Thanks for taking it constructively instead of saying choice things about my mother.

Want even better news? The earth totally isn't fucked! Humans might be, but life on earth will probably be alright.

Edit: I got in trouble with crazies when I said "fine" before, so let me elaborate - I mean life will likely survive and in sufficient variety to have no issue rebounding.

The last big extinction event we had was the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event. Almost 90% of species died out. We're not quite sure what caused it (probably volcanoes), but CO2 levels were nearly 6x higher than now, the oceans were sulfurous, acidic, and oxygen starved, and global warming was leagues beyond where we're at now. Life bounced back and we're not even close in severity.

So should we keep fighting climate change? Hell yeah! But it's not as dismal as it seems.

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

You may know this, but if not...

Keep in mind they're likely referring to the philosophy of liberalism, not the United States "liberal=progressive/left leaning".

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I agree, but I have a problem I don't know how to overcome. Maybe someone here has an idea.

I'm ADHD as fuck.

It's the inattentive type and it cuts both ways. It's not uncommon for me to turn on my phone and get distracted from what I had intended to do by notifications. On the flip side, if I don't have notifications to let me know to check something, I may just forget the app exists entirely. If it's something important, that's not great.

Anyone have any ideas?

That's the "full self driving". All the newer cars come with computers capable of doing it, but you either pay a $99/month subscription or a one time $8k charge.

I just checked out their website and apparently you can either transfer it to a new Tesla or leave it with the car and basically sell it to the new owner. Not what I expected at all.

[–] 0 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Tl;dr: I was genuinely happy until you showed yourself to be a petty, intellectually dishonest person.

I was genuinely happy you asked. I hoped we'd have an interesting conversation. What I received in response was the type of comment I haven't seen as much of since leaving Reddit: unnecessarily antagonistic and full of bad arguments, seemingly for no other purpose than to state "nuh uh, you're wrong!".

You start by telling me that the intended meaning of my words wasn't what I explained, followed up by how the meaning you instead fabricated for me is wrong. Now you're calling my explaining my original meaning further, even before you generated this artificial contention, "moving goal posts". That doesn't hold up under even the merest scrutiny. Again, you're just looking to score metaphorical points, but you don't do it by the merit of your own arguments - you instead pick apart my statements, but dishonestly. It's bizarre.

Then you follow up with several outlandish responses that only make sense if you ignored my previous comment. My comment was about how things have been massively worse on earth before and life has pulled through, with stated logic and references. Your response? "Well, life can't survive beyond certain bounds and the moon is further away, and the conditions from which life arose may not happen again". Pretty clear you didn't even bother to understand my comment before your rebuttal. Again, just looking to dunk.

Plus you downvoted me for a response I took quite a bit of time to write, all in good faith. So yeah, to the block list you go.

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