
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Thanks for the reply:)


Hello all, I’m (m18) doing a software development apprenticeship in the UK.

My absolute dream would be to start freelancing and developing my own apps.

Currently, my plan is to build a social media following starting with TikTok and to build a portfolio of diverse websites, desktop apps, and iOS apps (my apprenticeship is also all projects to build a portfolio)

My question is, am I dreaming too much or is it possible? I love working by myself and the idea of being a freelancer and entrepreneur turning my app ideas into apps on the App Store makes me feel genuinely motivated and keeps me disciplined.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

the site looks good but when scrolling down to 'our competitive advantages', the three div bubble elements (div class=bubble-element GroupItem group-item entry-1) are left aligned, it would look better if it was centered

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Too late as in you’re worried ai is going to take over the world and software developers will be no more, or too late as in you feel like you’re too old?


...If so, how does it workout for you? Im starting my career in software development and I'd love to also develop some of my own ideas in swift. I've done probably 10 hours of swift and i feel like im picking it up well.

I want to be able to develop iOS apps alongside my fulltime job for the extra experience (im open to the idea of becoming an iOS developer, full time or contract sometime in the future) and possibly income but im just wondering if any other full time SWE's do the same thing? Im aware that solo development is extremely difficult especially to make a living but I'd love to get myself in a position where part of my income can be solo development

Ideally once I have senior level experience, Ill begin working software development contracts as these pay a lot more in the UK. this would also give me some time between contracts to work on my own ideas.