
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I spent about 30 minutes playing with EQ and I wasn't impressed. The Kiwi's just sound more clear and detailed. I boosted the bass and even the bass sounds as good, if not better than the XS. I really enjoy this IEM.


Granted, I've only been using the Edition XS for a couple of hours. I have the Kiwi Ears Orchestra Lite IEM's as well. I like the Kiwi's much more. I feel like I can hear more detail and I just like the sound of them more than I do the Edition XS.

Also, My ears still touch the pads inside the Edition XS and it drives me nuts. I guess I'm just sticking with IEM's going forward because I have not been able to find a headphone that doesn't bother the heck out of my ears and I've tried quite a few headphones and returned due to comfort issues with my ears. Freaking stupid dumbo ears >_<

I have the Kiwi's EQ'd and they sound amazing and I can't get the Edition XS to match that. Am I nuts? I feel like I'm nuts from all of the reviews I've watched and read.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I ordered the Sundara's to try them. I gotta say, this IEM sounds just as great as the Sundara does, at least to me. The Orchestra Lite EQ's very well too. I'm surprised how much bass I can squeeze out of these with them not having a DD and only BA's. They're extremely comfortable for me too, especially with these tips.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Day 2 of the Spinfit W1's on this IEM. Still impressed. I don't know how but the soundstage is wider. The bass is more pronounced. Details in the treble are more defined. I was playing some BF2042 and I could hear EVERYTHING around me. Footsteps, reloads, grenades being thrown. It's like having ESP inside a game. I was hearing people before they rounded a corner. I could hear someone reloading on the other side of a wall. I am impressed.


I never put much stock into the whole "tips make a difference" stuff I've read in this subreddit but holy guacamole did these make a HUGE difference for me. Going from the stock tips to the small W1's...just...omg. It increased bass, resolution, and detail...The tips on this IEM do NOT do this IEM justice. At all. It even affected the separation. I never thought this was a thing but holy crap the difference is ridiculous and night and day. I first got these and was severely disappointed. I thought tips were all hype. I hate to use the word "literally" like this but this is literally game changing for this IEM.

Make fun of me if you want but these tips completely changed how this IEM sounds and for the better. The stock tips are horrendous in comparison.

Edit: Wanted to add one other thing. With the stock tips I could feel the pressure build up that reviewers and other reddit posters have commented on. These tips completely remove that pressure build up feeling for me. Granted, I've never been too sensitive to that but I did notice it with the stock tips. I don't feel the pressure build up at all with the W1's.