joined 1 year ago
[–] TAYRN@lemmy.world 6 points 2 weeks ago

Good advice, I agree with it nearly 100%.

Out of curiosity, how much of it do you personally think is specific to neurodivergent people? Because outside of (obviously) number one, I think that's just good advice in general.

[–] TAYRN@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

I think I understand your points. And I mostly agree.

I genuinely don’t care about symbolic actions. I worry that corporations will heel turn the moment it is no longer safe or profitable to pander to the queers.

Yes, 100%. I'm terrified that public opinion will turn, and I am certain that corporations will desert us LONG before then. I'm happy that it is, currently, safe and profitable to pander to queers. It makes me feel safe, in a way it maybe shouldn't. I know that the other shoe could drop at any time.

I'm really sorry that was your pride parade experience. Yeah, things along those lines are all too common. Most pride parades are..... still..... in 2024..... very, very bad. And, yes, I don't think corporations are helping in any way.

I agree that I want solidarity. it's the only way forward.......

[–] TAYRN@lemmy.world 79 points 3 months ago (7 children)

Unpopular opinion, I know, but I fucking love corporate pride.

Do you remember being gay a decade ago? Corporations were just starting to touch us with a ten foot pole. And it felt amazing to be acknowledged as existing, without any negative connotations.

Two decades ago? No one would touch us, unless we were the butt of a joke. That we'd hear a million times everyday.

I see corporate pride as a sign of change: sure, those billionaires are just trying to get more money out of us. They couldn't give a shit about you, or me, personally. But they're now willing to openly market to us.

That means public opinion is changing. Support for the queer community is growing. We've even become a market to be advertised to.

No, those rainbow ads don't mean anything more than the green and red ones in December, or the red hearts in February. But the fact that corporations are openly showing support, without fear of death threats, or "more importantly" losing money, means something to me.

[–] TAYRN@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I understand and absolutely agree with everything you've said, but I'm not asking for 100% certainty. I'm asking for A plan, no matter how absurd it is.

Every successful revolution in the history of the world has had an endgame. I'm not sure I see yours.

[–] TAYRN@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago (5 children)

I want to learn how you would go from your current system, wherever you are in the world, to one without landlords. I'll cut the bullshit and just openly say that I don't think you've thought it through.

There are about a million pieces in the middle that are missing, and I promise you that none of them are pretty.

[–] TAYRN@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago

That's an interesting proposal. I can see how that would eventually fix the problem.

I'll have to look more into it, but right now I think I'm on board.

[–] TAYRN@lemmy.world 4 points 4 months ago (7 children)

We've gotten very far from the topic on hand, but sure, can you recommend me a few books I haven't read?

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