
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 5 hours ago

Could you not just change the ring tones of your contacts to something else and then have all unknown callers use the bad time ring tone?

[–] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Try obtaining a Time Machine so that you can experience the menu from when it was good.

The Grilled Stuft Burrito, Grilled Stuft Nacho, the volcano burrito and lava sauce, the 1/2 lb cheesy potato burrito, the enchirito, the loaded grillers, the double layer taco, the chilito.

So many good menu items lost to time

[–] 14 points 6 days ago

Or in this case die a hero and then someone pays to desecrate your corpse and reanimate you

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Well said, while I think there a probably caveats (that I don’t have the energy to debate since I mostly agree with you anyway) to each of your solutions, it’s definitely a good starting place to address the underlying issues with the housing market for single family homes

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Giving first time home buyer’s assistance just juices demand which would just lead to further increased housing prices.

The supply side is what needs to be addressed, that’s a lot harder though as builders would prefer to build luxury housing as opposed to starter homes.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

If a company could pay $5 a customer for a competitive edge in customer satisfaction over their competitors, they would. Either they are getting way more than that or there is some cartel/monopoly action going on in the market. Maybe they are playing the long game to introduce an ad free model at a premium.

Still don’t see how nobody is undercutting existing players with ad free, smart tvs.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

From what I can see, people will downvote shitposts even if they agree with it. But the downvote is used as the disagree button the majority of the time.

I will upvote any comment that seems to be made in good faith but I don’t have any illusions of that being how the majority of the network uses their votes. I think a higher percentage of people use their vote that way compared to Reddit but not much to make a difference.

That’s why I suggested hiding votes entirely. I think that would be unpopular because people like the dopamine hit of seeing your comment score go up, and so my compromise was to only hide 0 or negative scores.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It’s more of a vibe check than a fact check. But I think it’s definitely useful for the network to self moderate since mods are pretty much entirely voluntary on Lemmy.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I’m of the opinion that downvotes are useful for self moderation of troll/off-topic comments or posts.

People also use it as a disagree button. That use doesn’t bother me personally but I see a lot of users get upset about having a negative score on a comment.

I think the best method is to keep the votes and either hide the score total or to not visibly show any score that’s less than 1

[–] 48 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I’ve already seen admins go through the federated votes on their instance to call out anyone who disagrees with them.

I don’t have a strong opinion either way but I don’t think it will be healthy for discourse to unlock that power for everyone

[–] 87 points 1 month ago (5 children)

I don’t recommend it, but going bass-to-mouth was a very popular and hyped feature addition for SEGA Bass Fishing. I’m surprised this is the first you are hearing of it

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Actually RDR2 came out nearly 6 years ago.


A really good explanation that I felt deserved to be highlighted.


I know that the source is more focused on retro gaming as a topic but the topic of this post is Google and its pagerank algorithm which is more appropriate for this community.

We’ve all noticed the enshittification of Google Search over the last few months, but it’s still hard to hear how it is affecting content creators and putting them out of business so we can see 20 AI generated spam pages about whatever our query is.


While I’m dubious of the claim due to the robust permissions management in the latest versions of iOS and Android, it is interesting that a company has come out and said they are doing what everyone is thinking.

And yes they are a subsidiary of the parent of Cox Communications, the ISP, so I would be switching to a competitor ASAP if I had their services

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