
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

for my home network, i use adguard in combination with my opnsense for dns.upstreams, if it needs to leave my network, are the usual suspects: google, cloudflare, and quad9 - selected based on performance

for my servers/domains i used to just be a regular BIND user, editing the zonefiles manually when needed.... but i have since switched my dns over to cloudflare because "easy and no maintenance"

(i might be one of the weird ducks in this sub: i still do my mailserver myself, but outsourced my dns to cloudflare...)

though, to be honest, there are quite a few additional reasons i did the cloudflare move:

  • the use of their cdn
  • hiding the actual server IPs
  • using their zero trust
[–] 2 points 9 months ago

pro tip: if you do not read the ToS, you also can't lie about if you are breaking them or not

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

came here to say basically the same thing: preservation

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

self hosted mailserver here (on an old, dedicated vps)... just dovecot/postfix/mysql and the usual (amavis & spamassasin) - if i need to add/edit/delete users or domains, that's just a bash script.

there's lots of other options already mentioned, but you could also consider aws for this: you set your domain up with them (or verify it), set SES to forward inbound mails to wherever you want, and set your mailclient to send out through ses.

antispam & dkim/dmarc/spf included.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

i've been running my own mailserver for about 10 years.
last time i've had to look at it was 2y ago (and that was because i was using quite strict blocklists, had 1 not 'optimally configured', and that one discontinued service, causing me to be forced to remove it from my list)

honestly, once it is running as you need it to, and you have all the regulars set up for your domain (dmarc/dkim/spf) it's not all that much work.

blacklisting is pretty much a non-issue if you are using a decent provider (i.e. one that does not have 100 spammers on its network) and you are not spamming out yourself.

in 10 years i've had 1 or 2 blacklists - both from long before i was using dkim/dmarc/spf and also both due to the ip range (which was fairly straightforward to get my own ip out of the list)

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

wouldn't know what to do with my google rewards credits, so this post at least gave me something else than just letting that credit expire, so thank!

now let me buy, install, and never use it until one day i forgot i bought it :)


Right now i have 2 servers, split up into a nas with plex (running on a g4920 - tdp around 50/60w),
and a low power "homeserver" which is running a few dockers (N3160, tdp around 10w)

as my disks are now around 5y of age, i'm looking into updating, and at the same time i'm looking into moving those 2 systems on to one system, but i want the tdp of the new system to be lower total than the g4920, with equal or better performance.

requirements are:

- low power (looking at cpu with tdp at or below 35, preferably powered by a dc jack)
- either 2 M2 slots (1 ssd + 1 sata expansion) or 1 M2 slot and 5/6 sata connections
- 2.5gb nic
- an additional M2 slot or mini pcie slot (for a coral)

so far the only contender i seem to find is a n5105 on an aliexpress board, but that is kind of "over the top" when it comes to network connections (i only need 2, though 2 is nice)

does anyone have any other suggestions ?