Don't even get me started...
Debbie Harry! I wonder what she thought of the whole thing haha
I just don't want to be the number one reason they're in therapy as an adult.
My 2 yr old peed on two of her daycare teachers today (so far), so your last line made me laugh out loud.
Ah yes I see that now. Missed it before.
If you're seeking feedback, that needs to be clear.
I'll clarify: Are you advertising here with this post?
Are you advertising?
I think that's why you'd be hard pressed to find Daria in its original form too: music licensing.
She basically died because she told the doctors she had taken miso. At this point she absolutely needed a D&C but because Georgia law said that's bAd, doctors risked losing their licenses to help her. And by the time they were going to, it was too late.
But hey, it was a woman who died, and she was black, so definitely not the kind of person they care about.
Ugh. So disgusting.
Man, did they really need a study for this?? Seems pretty obvious but I guess not.
Let's see, what are points of stress? Costs of living, raising children, time...
Somehow he still believes he did nothing wrong. Unbelievable. But somehow believable. Ugh.
They'll be ok, I have hope.