I doubt you want to. Its probably at least a terabyte.
That sounds nice and all, but is useless as a definition. The way I see it used, wisdom is knowledge and intuition that is gained from experience, whereas intelligence is a property of a person that allows them to learn quickly.
I love that they keep saying stuff like "introducing Ubuntu to the Christian community", as if they couldn't already use it.
Not having a dock is one of my favorite things about gnome. I actually use an extension to hide the top bar too. There's just something so satisfying about having 100% usable space on screen. I get all the info back in the win-key overlay, so I don't really need that stuff on screen at all times.
Does this not work?
I think you can do the same in the post
Why would any milk fat be required for something to be defined as chocolate? Chocolate doesn't have to contain any milk at all. The only thing my brief research turned up was this, stating that they could only contain up to 5% non cocoa vegetable fats.
Edit: This claims there is a minimum milk fat for milk chocolate, but no requirement for chocolate in general.
If a person's life is not their own to take then they have no autonomy at all
That's just not right. Autonomy isn't some absolute, all or nothing thing. If it was, then everybody would have "no autonomy at all", because we're not allowed to commit crimes.
Of the full range of possible actions, killing yourself is a relatively small portion of those. Considering that death eliminates all possible future actions, I'd argue that preventing a suicide (of a person that's not dying anyway) actually preserves more autonomy than the alternative.
You linked a webpage as an embedded image. If you meant to make a link, use:
If you meant to embed:
You formatted your links as images. Markdown uses ![...](...) for images, [...](...) for links.
" dumb it down"? Isn't the mobile app (s) displaying the same posts as the website(s)?
Tests would be a pretty bad idea. It is easy to imagine the ways that someone could use that to attack their political opponents. Similar things were used to disenfranchise voters in the past. Also, it is too easy to corrupt the legitimacy of such a test. All a person would need to do is get a heads up of how the test works and practice for it. Or, have the test designed to be too easy to pass. It's easy to say "make it impartial, scientific, and dignified", but that doesn't mean it will be. I seriously doubt any governmental body ever has or will be that trustworthy. An actual age limit would be objective and clear though, making it much more practical.
For a while I just couldn't play souls-likes. The enemy attacks were blatantly undodgeable. Like, even if you move at the maximum possible speed, in any direction, at the very start of an animation, you can't get out of the way. Then I realized you're not really supposed to get out of the way, you're supposed to abuse the immunity frames from the roll to "dodge" straight through the attacks. Basically the opposite of what I had been doing.