Notably absent: X11 developer saying Wayland is bad, not X11.
I think it's just because some things have country-specific formats. For example, if you want to prefill credit card details, you have to figure out how the credit card fields are labelled.
Hehe, I can be more explicit: why would Chromium "resist" MV3 when the Chromium developers are the ones pushing it?
It's a website rather than an app, but if you open it fullscreen, it's just as much fun:
I'm assuming you've already found it, but just in case you didn't: Framework has setup guides for Fedora, which presumably should make everything work as intended. Find your device on this page, then click "Fedora 39 Setup Guide" on the right-hand side:
I wouldn't worry about it too much; there's not really anything you need to do as a user anyway.
Well, then I'd highly suggest you just use Xfce and not worry about GNOME so much. Xfce hasn't changed much in years.
they try to reinvent the desktop experience every 2 or 3 years
GNOME 3 was released 12 years ago, and hasn't changed that much (unless you consider horizontal virtual workspaces are a major paradigm shift somehow).
Just use something else if you don't like it; no one's "pushing" anything on to you. Clearly, other people do like it.
I guess the point of my argument isn't about whether you should or shouldn't condemn the specific action, but whether it should or should not be legal and, if not, what the punishment should be. That, at least, should be consistent, because the government response should be proportionate to the inconvenience, so if you believe your cause outweighs the inconvenience, then it should also outweight a proportionate response.
One especially helpful mental trick is to imagine you actually believe what someone you disagree with says that they believe. For example, I don't believe that actual lizards control the country and systematically rape children, but if I did... Well, obviously that belief would justify quite a lot.
The test to see whether you agree with an argument like this, is imagining people protesting something you are vehemently in favour of. If you'd still agree with it then, then the logic holds.
Well, yes, except that those X11 developers agree that Wayland is better.