
joined 10 months ago

As you can see there is a shadow in the lower part, i want the background to be clear but not extremely white, like the reference photo from H&M


I started this job where I take photos of clothes for a brand's website, e-commerce stuff, white background.

I am having a really difficult time matching the colors of the clothes to the colors of real life.what I do is shoot raw, white balance mood is flash.and in Photoshop I play with color balance, saturation... until I get the color I can take me about an hour to reach the right color for each piece and it can be really exhaustingbut I am pretty sure there is an easier way, or some tips to make it easier for me.

I edit on my MacBook Pro 2017 13-inch retina display, color LCD.

I don't use a gray card because I shoot raw so I believe I won't need it (correct me if I am wrong).

I try to pick a gray spot in the photo to adjust the white balance but it's not enough.

for lighting, I use two strobe lights from both sides, pointing down to the object.


I was trying to shoot this t-shirt but when I zoomed in I saw blue lines, and this not only with a red t-shirt but also with a blue one. I used storbe light.


I am practicing product photography, this time I am shooting a shirt like the one on the H&M website
I can see that they shot it while the t-shirt was on a sort of hanger (not sure) and not flat on the ground and that's why it gives depth to the photo and t-shirt.
I tried to do something like this, but I had a problem deleting the hanger (the part on the t-shirt)
is there a way or type of hanger I can use without spending a lot of time of removing the hanger from the photo?


I faced this problem where I used a new flash trigger and after a couple of good photos, photos started appearing like this then the camera stopped working for a while and when it did there were two lines following the f stops. so I tried the old trigger and had the same problem, after a while I realized that the shutter was 1/ 400 and 1/250, and when I slowed it to 1/100, no problem anymore.