
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Taking regular season games that were going to be played anyway and slapping a "tournament game" label on them (sometimes weeks apart) and making the court look fancy hasn't really changed how the games feel. I haven't noticed it making the games any better, especially for teams that lost at the start of the group stage and kind of have just how hummed through the rest. Good teams playing each other in the regular season always has a little more intensity, it doesn't seem like that's been enhanced by this new tournament.

Maybe it needs a couple more seasons to percolate, or maybe it could benefit from doing it during an extended All Star break or something to make it seem more important but so far its just regular season NBA basketball as it always has been.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

His teams lose by an average of almost 12 points in those loses and people think it's a ref issue lol