
joined 1 year ago
[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

That name, tho.

"Marky Mark needs ALL of his money to buy Calvin Klein underwear >:( "

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Edgy teenager shit, probably.

Like drawing an anarchy symbol on stuff.

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

Hah, fair enough. I've never been there, but I've always wanted to try living somewhere in the PNW at some point. This is clearly a him problem and I wonder if being a working stiff would have begun tainting his view of NY with time, too. He doesn't realize it, yet, but what he's doing in that regard is looking back fondly on his college days.

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 59 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

I feel bad for this dude, but not for the reasons he wants me to.

Nearing 40 and being pretty staunchly no-kids, I always got along great with all of the devs and admins I work with who have kids and we find plenty to talk about. I always thought what I do for a living is pretty cool, but I certainly never expected that to be my ticket to getting laid or being praised as some big-brain special boy. This dude felt one-dimensional because he is one-dimensional. Maybe he just never really spent the time developing his personality and maybe its time to do that now. It's one thing to love what you do, its another entirely to make your job your identity - you gotta bring more to the table in social situations than shop talk and Squid Game.

As for complaining about a routine... I mean, that's unfortunately how being an adult works for 90% of us. We have jobs, we often end up kind of worn out even if we sit at a desk all day, and it can suck - you make the best of it and break the monotony as best you can. If he wanted to be in the remaining 10%, he probably should've put in the effort. Those folks he mentions at Y Combinator, or starting nonprofits probably busted their asses to break through. Even content creators who put out quality content often are often run ragged from overworking. Did this dude think staying in NY and taking a 9-5 there would have magically given him extra energy?

Fuck outta here with this garbage, Business Insider.

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 29 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

[...] but subscriptions for software-based new car features will continue, according to a BMW board member.

I wonder what they're going to try to nickel and dime people over next. I mean, if they're offering internet service/access or other things that are an ongoing service, fine. That's mostly fair... but if they're charging you to flip a bit in the car's internal database (or even worse, a central database somewhere that keeps your car's data) but the feature is installed in your car and costs BMW nothing to enable it, then ewwwwwww

Took a deeper look at the article...

[...] BMW says it will continue to offer subscription-based services but only for software options, like driver assistance and digital assistant services, which is completely understandable.

Hahahahahaha no. For the most part, absolutely no.

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Oh man, the first time I ever ran into the inodes issue I was still a squirrely, eager young admin and not the broken, cynical shell you see before you. That one fucked me up for a solid day and change.

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 33 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

The issue occurred following regular maintenance work on the servers, the company said, adding that it would review its maintenance procedures.

Two people with knowledge of the matter had told Reuters the malfunction occurred during an update of the automaker's parts ordering system.

Uh-oh. Someone forgot to uncomment include /etc/logrotate.d and bounce the service, didn't they.

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 18 points 1 year ago

Probably because most of the people at his net worth are pushing for RTO so he's the exception to the rule.

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Genuinely curious why you think Apple Music is better. When I got my first iPad in years last year, I decided to try to go "all-in" on Apple services partly to consolidate and partly to save some money. After about 14-21 days, the only service left standing was Apple News+ (and only because the only other option was NewsReader which is 3x the price and I just generally didn't love the UI and the way it worked overall).

Apple Music seemed to have slightly less of the music I searched for (I don't have specifics, it was a year ago) and also seemed to be slower/shittier overall than Spotify. It was just generally unpleasant to use - this, coming from a guy who has plenty of gripes with Spotify's user experience.

I'm all for ditching Spotify (I have all kinds of issues with their general business practices and how they stiff artists, among other things), but like @dinckelman@lemmy.world mentioned elsewhere in these comments: "every bit of competition is even more incompetent and greedy than they are." I'm not going to say Apple is more greedy in this case, but they felt less competent.

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Shrek is love, Shrek is life, Shrek is high fashion.

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

fair enough and fwiw, that's what i was kind of echoing. "we're" in mud slinging territory as a culture, but journalists/opinion-piece-writers/whatever are massive drivers of it.

[–] _bug0ut@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

I think in a lot of cases, it's less about them having a lot of money and more about how they're able to effect change using that money or the power/influence associated with that money. Unfortunately, this can often happen at a relatively large scale, like by upending a popular social media platform or disrupting the automobile industry (for good or ill) or discussing futuristic public transportation ideas to take the wind out of the sails of more realistic/attainable projects and efforts.

All things considered, I wouldn't mind hearing less about these people - a lot less. We're well into mud slinging territory and some of these dickheads absolutely thrive on that. I'm sure the worst of them feel egged on when the media talks about them so they say or do more crazy shit very publicly to draw attention from fanboys and detractors alike. Call it a vicious cycle... or a hyperloop or something.

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