
joined 10 months ago

Hi all,

I'm trying to better understand relative focal length. I shoot with a Nikon D500 (APS-C) and up until now have done mostly sports photography. I'm trying to get more into street photography but trying to understand what I'll be shooting with based on the lenses that I currently own and I'm a little confused. Can you please confirm if my thinking here is correct.

Here are the lenses I currently own and (my assumption about the relative focal length with this crop sensor camera):

  • Nikon AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED VR (105-300mm)
  • Nikon AF-S 50mm f/1.8G (75mm)
  • Nikon AF-S 35mm f/1.8G DX (35mm since it's a "DX" lens)

Are my assumptions correct? If so, do I not have a true 50mm focal length lens for this camera body? I was looking to shoot with a 50mm to start out my street photography journey.

Thank you for the help.


Hi all, I'd consider myself an advanced photographer but not an expert. I take lots of photos of my son's (American) football games and have been really happy with my progress but am still learning. Here is my gear:

- Nikon D500

- Nikon AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED VR

I mostly shoot shutter priority anywhere between 1/1000 and 1/2000 depending on conditions and allow the camera to choose f-stop and ISO. However, as I've become more comfortable, recently I've been experimenting with manual mode using the same shutter range but locking into f/4 for a bit more depth of field. Most of his games are during the day.

Here's where I'm struggling...

I only have the one body and lens (for now). I like to not only capture the fast action on the field but also the kids doing things on the sidelines, the coaches, fans, referees, etc. As you can imagine, I have to react quickly to catch a moment and what often happens is with the wider aperture, the auto-focus will lock, for instance, on a player's helmet, hand, or other piece of gear and thus their face is out of focus because of the wide aperture and often zoom length. I want to be able to quickly change the shutter and/or f-stop when I'm not shooting action for greater DoF on these shots.

With my Nikon D500, is there a way to easily do that or do I just need to quickly spin the back and/or front dials to change the shutter speed and f-stop? I was hoping there would be a button for a pre-set (or several pre-sets). I'm open to other suggestions as well.

Thank you for the advice!