
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

100%. I did exactly the way you described and it works awesome. And got to know it's called "persistence".

I implemented a very interesting and creative approach to train such a model, and will surely make a post here later for a detailed summary.


These are plots of some of my features and rest of the others having similar pattern. The data here is spanned for 2 days and I need to predict labels for 3rd day. It has 60,000 samples (seconds).

Any popular time series regression methods or repos I must be aware of to solve this kind of problems? I don't need to forecast as I have labels for validation.

Also what are current trends for statistical models vs ML models.

Does considering lag or sliding window the only popular and effective option?


LLMs are trained on reddit/quora corpuse as well (correct me if wrong). So do the 'number of upvotes' on a reply/answer was considered as a parameter or feature during the training?

Also it's not just about just reddit/quora but is answer realibility factor which is most case are its upvotes are considered?

Or being a "language model" it does evaluate and find similarity itself and chose what to retrive, might be the reason we see hallucinations.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Thanks! Bombed that interview but will try it for my next one!

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Thanks for this. Super useful

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Thanks alot. Surely helpful


Hello folks,

I have an interview call later this week which the work is regarding implementing generative AI within the companies workflow. Using LLMs with finetuning/in-context learning using system logs etc kind of stuff.

I have studied machine learning, worked for few years now as well. Have good understanding of those stuff but never tried fine tuning hands-on. I'm worked majority into computer-vision applications but think that I lagged a bit on the LLM side.

Any suggestions, recommeded papers, courses, videos I could go through?
