
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

That's a great point. I'm looking for a co-founder and maybe I assumed he could fill the gaps overtime but bring him on immediately because of the current situation. I think I will continue searching for someone else. Thanks for the input!

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Oh baby, it's time to pivot. The scariest and the most exciting part in entrepreneurship. Tons of book and guides on pivoting. Find out what exactly it is that is drawing the eBay customers. Make small changes and see if more come or more go. Study the new customers and then replicate that on your website.

Use psychological marketing on your eBay postings. Write in the summary of the product: Limited Stock. More Available at our Website. Or send with each eBay order received a 10% off coupon to your website.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I posted recently regarding my friend who is an SE and a born salesman. He told me he doesn't want to start his own business because he couldn't imagine himself doing all the small necessary things that come with a business. He just wants to do one part of the entrepreneur process.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I think Wendy's Gnome Shop is an insane example of someone who started from 0 into a million dollar side project using only crafts she hand made. You can read about her story and how she did it.

You could also start small with an Esty shop. Maybe post on a few local Facebook groups or even attend arts and crafts fairs in your local area. As far as the Esty shop, I have a friend who made niche IT related gifts and he started solely on the Etsy platform. Decent side income but he was never able to make it a full business.


I have a friend whose personality is boardline AI when it comes to reading people and getting to know them. We will go to bars together and he can without fail get free drinks and make new friends.

He is currently working as a SE for a PenTesting company. Over beers one night I discussed with him my troubles of convincing VC investors. He told me if he got in there, he could easily get the funding because he has sat down with me enough to know my company inside-and-out.

So I am just curious, have you guys ever brought on a Co-Founder for the sole purpose of neogotating with series funding? I was thinking of bringing him in at a small equity amount and if he did actually get funding, I would then increase the amount to 50/50, or maybe base equity solely on if funding is received.

What are you thoughts? Thanks.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Just curious, what did you sell it for?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

We had something similar at our school, but the guy selling it was shutdown by the school because the school also sold candy to us lmao...

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

read the Lean Startup. Also, read Millionare Fast Lane if you want to feel gunho about starting a business.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

If you're going for a target audience that plans to spend this amount for aristian products, I think the colors should be a bit warmer. The colors look like something I would expect from a cheaper, simpler product, like bulk solo cup purchases for parties. I think the products are actually kind of cool and I could see them in my rustic apartment, but the presentation doesn't fit the product.

On a side note, the blog link on your footer is broken. I don't think this is affecting you at all, but I just wanted to mention it!

Good luck on your journey!

Edit: I dont think your prices are too high, especially if your audience is who I imagine they are. I think the website looks like you aren't selling to that audience.