... Why are you looking to create a similar marketplace... ? How will you differentiate?
You absolutely can build a business solo. You can even run it solo.
A team can help you to scale. And cofounders are nice - but not necessary.
It all comes down to what you want. Do you want a large company? Do you want to be able to step away from the business for weeks to months a year?
100%! Thankfully (some of) the world is moving back from toxic hustle culture and towards anti-hustle. Remember why you got into business in the first place. Was it to work more, make less, and take on all the risk? Or was it to gain back freedom? Not just “financial freedom”, but freedom of time and choice?
A paid newsletter subscription is only that, i.e. you pay to receive information in print or online. A MEMBERSHIP, however, has all sorts of other perks beyond just info. For example a membership site login, weekly calls, videos, course access, community, etc.
Depends. A few quick questions to help: