I think I am less concerned about the ransomware and more confused as to why there is a wrench that can connect to the internet. What use would that provide to the user that would improve it?
I believe the ice wall thing was a theory proposed by Kent Hovind. Pretty sure he is/was in jail for tax evasion or something? When I was a teenager I ate his young earth creationist stuff up like candy.
Edit: I am aware that the firmament is a thing for a very long time, but I believe Hovind took that idea and proposed it as the reason for his flood and age of the earth theory.
I cycle every day to work and back and see e scooters everywhere, doesn’t bother me none as long as they follow road signage.
Do you have a link to said video? Not because I disagree but because that sounds super interesting to watch.
The WAN show clips weren’t, but it’s also possible that they were zooming in for the sake of keeping the viewers attention.
I’d recommend checking out “Jesus and John Wayne” it’s a book that digs into a lot of these ideas.
How is this not anti competitive behaviour?
Thanks for sharing this update.
Here’s a great video by People Male Games about this!