
joined 1 year ago
[–] 47 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (2 children)

I'm sorry, but let's be realistic... if she came out in support of trump she would get a lot of negative responses also. We're a pretty divided country.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

That's another way to say metric. Fuck the English system. Especially when cooking.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wow... Maybe for you, but it was everything and more for me. Fuck childhood. Give me freedom, independence, and not having to follow the rules of my parents.

No curfew, no bedtime... You can figure out what you want and do it. Living with a girlfriend. Making and spending money. Driving your own car. I get that maybe adulthood may not be for everyone, but I'll take it any day over childhood!

[–] 29 points 1 week ago

Technology has moved from nitch nerdy thing to general public usage and as it did so it became usable without knowing what's going on. Gen Z doesn't know shit about technology, they just know how to use it.

When I was a kid, if you wanted to get a computer working you had to screw with the RAM settings or build the computer yourself from components. If you didn't know how to do this you talked with someone who did. I've forced my kids to learn at least some of this, but the idea that they're more tech savvy is ridiculous. They're users of tech, but it's become too complicated (and more user friendly), so they don't know what's happening behind their screen.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

I would make the written English language 100% phonetic.

I would make SI mandatory in the US.

I would make one night a week a "have dinner with the neighbors" day.

Edit: I would make bidet toilets mandatory. Dry toilets would be phased out like cars without back-up cameras or asbestos insulation.

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago

It's like living in Minnesota, except the months of the year where you don't go outside are swapped. Winter is very nice, in summer you don't go outside. In the colder places, it's the opposite.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

This is the first comment in the thread that I 100% agree with. (I can't believe how many of the other ones I don't.)

[–] -3 points 2 weeks ago

This just in: "CEOs work for money... JUST LIKE THE REST OF US!"

[–] 23 points 1 month ago (9 children)

I actually think a core part of being republican has to do with hating someone and feeling superior to them. It can revolve around sex, education, accent, culture, religion, sexual orientation, government structure, or skin color, but they have to hate on someone. You can plot the generations of conservatives by who they (primarily) hate at any given time.

They have to wrap themselves in their hate-blanket and fantasize about how they'll have their AR-15 locked and loaded when the baddies come around. First they need to be scared, so they make up stories and lies about how "the other" corrupted their children, stole their jobs, took the government assistance, or performed DDOS on their interview, and then talk with friends or family on how evil the other is. Then they get great pleasure in having a big hate-orgy and trying hard to "trigger a liberal" spewing their made up hysterical bullshit.

A short list who's-who hate list for conservatives: communists, socialists, civil rights activists, labor unions, abortion rights people and doctors, environmentalists, academics, immigrants, "the gays" (all LGBTQ+ individuals), muslims, transgender people, "mainstream media". They've got to hate someone.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

ient dirty joke. Back in the day kids you could find collections of them in printed books, and later, entire websites solely dedicated to hosting thousands of dirty jokes. They were presented in story format, often happening to your cousin’s friend.

Not saying no one had ever had this happen to them in the history of mankind. But this is also an old dirty joke that is probably more commonly repeated than acted out.

*WITHOUT WASHING IT! I mean, was she ok with it being eaten by another family member as long as it wasn't her? That's just as gross!

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

As an engineering manager, I've already received AI cover letters. Don't do that. They suck. They get "round filed" faster than no cover letter at all. It's insulting.

(Realistically if I couldn't tell the difference then it would be fine, but right now it's so fucking obvious.)

[–] 158 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

I would rather pay an ad-block company a monthly subscription than give it to YouTube in blackmail. This will just be another salvo in a never ending war.


I see CEO's as the last working person in the system. They are at least putting in the time and effort to make money. The are "the last working man/woman" in the chain up to the owners. The real travesty is the owners who get all the money without doing any actual work.

If the CEO makes less money, do you think you'd get more? The answer is no. A company will control costs and not pay employees more than they have to. Your salary has nothing to do with the CEOs salary and at least in theory you have a chance to become CEO... more of a chance than you have of becoming an owner.

The inherited wealth, the hedge funds, the owners... they get all the return. They get all the rewords. Even my boss, who started the company I work at, he makes his money by being an owner. His salary as a CEO is pennies vs his salary owning the company. The success of the company should be shared amongst the employees who made it happen, and the truth is they aren't. That's the real kick to the nuts, not the salary of the CEO.

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