So, they are likely very poorly managed but, R&D is a common slushfund to keep your profit negative so you don't have to pay taxes.
I don't know much about the guy but, as someone thats perfectly willing to call tankies tankies, he seems like the opposite of one. Just don't do tankie shit and you wont get called one.
Its not really apples to apples, but there were more undeclared votes(as a %) in Michigans primary for Obama in 2012. Despite all the spin, its really difficult to say the campaign was at all successful.
They were fired mid 2019, the CSIS report just came out.
its checking things like your mouse movement.
Or they lied about doing something cool before getting obliterated in battle to save face.
Theres only one way to end a lifetime appointment, so they should worry if it gets too low.
How about not using the term Indian in the title in the 21st century. I understand its not as taboo down there as it is up here, but at least use American Indian. Before clicking through to read more I assumed it was about people from India.
The P in GPT is Pretrained. Its core to the architecture design. You would need to use some other ANN design if you wanted it to continuously update, and there is a reason we don't use those at scale atm, they scale much worse than pretrained transformers.
Its completely believable that it was targeted for fall of this year to be announced in this months nintendo direct, but they ran into complications.
Do.. do they understand that sociology is at best tangentially connected to socialism?
Its basically also the past right? RSS feeds.