why not have a single global timezone and people change their local numbers.
e.g. if you life in hawaii you stand up at 11pm and if people in russia work until 8am.
why not have a single global timezone and people change their local numbers.
e.g. if you life in hawaii you stand up at 11pm and if people in russia work until 8am.
[nitpick] could have written a black "シ" in front of the "sh" to keep consistency with the other katakana. Also it looks like a grinning smiley, which is also nice.
Why can’t anyone study to become a qualified surgeon?
anyone can try
the goldberg-steamcrack supports multiplayer. https://gitlab.com/Mr_Goldberg/goldberg_emulator
I only tested it in lan, and it works great. Not sure if it works online, too. You may need hamachi.
And of course: online multiplayer with randos is probably not worth it, as others have pointed out. On one hands it's probably a bitch to set up. On the other cheating is probably rampant.
The Ad sponsored web model is not viable forever.
a thousand times this
we’ll probably get a win 12 that is less good than win 10, but better than win 11,
I wouldn't count on it. MS is moving away from selling desktop-stuff and towards selling cloud stuff (think azure and office356) and consulting. That's why they changed their attitude towards linux (think wsl and c# for linux) and open-source (think github). MS wants companies to use open-source tools (preferably written in c#) and deploy them to azure with the help of MS-consultants.
Enshittifying windows is a step in that direction. For example: The more people have a MS-Account, the easier it is to sell office356. That's why they pressure windows-user into making MS-Accounts.
MS knows that desktop is dying.
most recently I had this with energy-settings, before that with network-settings, and before that with some language settings.
I’ve not actually had this problem ...(aside from [when I had this problem])
the last time I had to set up a windows-system, I just said fuck-it and bought a key for 2€ from on of these shady key-sides.
There’s a lot to not like here.
the new snipping-tool is neat
yes I know if you look hard enough you can find legacy panels
In some case you have to actively looks for the legacy panel, because the new ones don't allow to change certain settings.
is it still owned by tencent?