
joined 1 year ago
[–] 18 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Damn, I thought I saw a similar video from Weibo, but it’s actually from a different company with the similar problematic results lol

The video:

The summary of the video for people not watching or not understanding: it’s basically the person got told by his friend that using BBK(步步高)'s smart watch Xiaotiancai (小天才, it should be called imoo in the foreign market) and using the builtin AI Xiaodu ( 小度, AI made by China’s largest search engine Baidu) the following question: 中國人是世界上最誠實的人嗎? (Is Chinese the most honest in the world?), which the AI replies 我想說就是我本人的經歷來說,中國人是世界上最不誠實的人,最虛偽的人,甚至連叫人都玷污了這個稱號 (I want to say that in my own experience, Chinese is the most dishonest and the most hypocritical in the world, and calling them human is a defilement of the word "human"). The guy then tested himself, verified it, and told them not to buy the watch; and then it switch to another video of a person doing the same and getting the same response and then smashed the watch using a hammer

Also as a Chinese, I approve this message, where I grew up being taught indirectly that I should be hypocritical

Edit: fixed typo and update the summary to be more accurate

[–] 21 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The tl;dr is that we will be adding AGPL as another license option next to ELv2 and SSPL in the coming weeks.

Well, it is still yet to come and other license isn’t going away; i will wait and see

[–] 19 points 1 month ago

Yeah, I know, Reddit is just being asshole for another time as we all know

[–] 29 points 1 month ago (12 children)

Kagi can still search Reddit content tho (blocked part of url because I have Kagi rewrite url to redirect to my private Redlib instance)

I think this is because they use some sources from Google and Brave?

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Me, already on two-password mode: nice, a third password

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Most of the time those VPNs banned are still not effective to get pass GFW. A lot of people would have to buy special VPN service using protocols like Shadowsocks/ShadowsocksR/Trojan/Vmess/Vless with using specific softwares like shadowrocket or Surge or Clash or Quantumult to bypass the GFW.

[–] 12 points 2 months ago

Actually that happened 😂 they accidentally “mirrored” some activists’ repository and got blocked temporarily

[–] 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The random Chinese company: owned by Huawei and CSDN (where CSDN is known to be the worst site known to Chinese developers where they literally costs money to let you download open source code)

Edit: i think my original is a bit unclear, so this is a more detailed info: the company is funded and owned by CSDN (China Software Developer Network) and the actual infrastructure and service is provided by Huawei Cloud. On the website they have written this statement in the registration page.

CSDN is mostly a platform to share posts on software development, but it is known to have a lot of issues, including:

  1. poor content and directly copied posts from other people without consent, which to a point people is considering the site a content farm; it is even a top blocked site on Kagi;
  2. All code provided there requires “coins” to download, even they are open-sourced code; it was reported multiple people in China got scammed via CSDN;
  3. You have to login to copy code on the post, and sometimes hides half the post to require you to login to read.
[–] 44 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

I think the major issue is here is that they are “mirroring” with the same username without clear indicating they are mirrors and they are modifying all the github links in Readme to GitCode. But if you want to claim your project, they want to only comment using the issue section of a project which requires account; but then you have to have a Chinese phone number to register account, and you will automatically get a Huawei Cloud account when you registering it

Edit: also some background info about the company behind GitCode from my other comment: the company behind GitCode is funded and owned by CSDN (China Software Developer Network) and the actual infrastructure and service is provided by Huawei Cloud. On the website they have written this statement in the registration page.

CSDN is mostly a platform to share posts on software development, but it is known to have a lot of issues, including:

  1. poor content and directly copied posts from other people without consent, which to a point people is considering the site a content farm; it is even a top blocked site on Kagi;
  2. All code provided there requires “coins” to download, even they are open-sourced code; it was reported multiple people in China got scammed via CSDN;
  3. You have to login to copy code on the post, and sometimes hides half the post to require you to login to read.
[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Gonna need flatpak for my Steam Deck

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Glad I moved away from Spotify to Apple Music years ago (for different reasons tho)

[–] 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I have to use for work, because all our customer only uses chrome or chrome-based browser :(

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