My high school and early college was during the W. Bush years. I hated him, and around that time is when I got political, active, and told my (Republican) parents that I was a proud Libertarian! (Look, I've learned a lot over the years, and Libertarians used to pretend to be a little more progressive.)
My parents hated that, and constantly gave me the "you may not like him but he's your president too and you have to respect the office!" The first time he complained about Obama (hours after the election), I broke that one out and turned it around. And they ~~realized their hypocrisy immediately becoming gay communists~~ decided that the rule was stupid, actually, and that it turns out you don't have to respect the office when you dont want to!
What bothers me so much more than their stated political views is the realization that they never actually had reasoned, considered views to begin with. They emotionally select things that seem directly beneficial to themselves. And then lie about their beliefs because they know they're selfish and indefensible.
They're still republicans but I'm an anarchist who no longer respects any presidents! Funny where a difference in fundamental values will lead you.
Trick-pissing champ here, the real homies bank their shots off the shower walls first before swirling it around the bowl for the finale. If I've been drinking heavily the night before, I'll piss fakey or throw in some yoga poses to up the challenge. The only way to be great is to push yourself a little farther each time you step up to the bowl.